Only Morgan offers Privacy Curtain and Lab Coat Programs that are at the forefront of infection control. Need greater inventory control? Our real-time data eliminates waste, cuts down on loss and streamlines operations. Whatever you need—safety, cost efficiencies, improved image—everything fits with Morgan.
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Infection Control
With fast-moving bacterial infections like MRSA reaching near-epidemic levels in healthcare environments, controlling the spread of pathogens has never been more immediate. Morgan Healthcare helps you fight back with the latest wash process technology and laundering best practices to ensure every sheet and every garment is hygienically cleaned and sanitized.

Inventory Management
When you partner with Morgan, we’ll design a hassle-free inventory management program that guarantees the right garments in the right amounts are cleaned right and delivered on time. We leverage customer usage data, tracking and reporting to eliminate waste and avoid snafus like inventory shortages and chasing after lost garments. By providing complete laundry history and inventory level of every product you use, Morgan delivers the data you need whenever you need it. See how our scrub locker program can help

Cost Reductions
At Morgan, our sole mission is to help you reduce costs and improve productivity while enhancing the image of your facility. We’ll help you avoid system-wide waste like hidden linen charges, poor repairs, billing disputes and inventory shortages, all of which eat up your time, your money and your peace of mind. We’ll also point out ways you can save money. One example: opting for cloth gowns over paper gowns can save you up to 15 percent.

Appearance & Cleanliness
When you clean smarter, you look smarter. Morgan Healthcare raises the bar by delivering the gold standard of cleaning. We maintain the highest standards in safety and infection prevention. It’s your assurance that your staff and patient population look their best while you’re doing all you can to fight the spread of infection.