Customized Solutions
Meeting our customers' unique requests with personalized, premium service
Inventory Management
Our proprietary logistics systems let us manage your inventory more efficiently
Cost Savings
The right products, storage and staff training help lower your cost of ownership
Quality & Appearance
Image is everything, from clean, pressed linens to fresh, tailored staff uniforms
Everything Fits
Partner with a premier rental provider to raise your profile and productivity
Quality & Appearance
Morgan knows consistent product quality is critical for your image. Our facilities meet the highest industry standards for textile processing, and every program is customized to fit the needs of your operation.
Inventory Management
Morgan’s advanced technology and proprietary logistics systems enable us to manage inventory efficiently, so you always have plenty of product on hand until your next delivery, and even adjust your inventory levels right on site.
Cost Efficiencies
What’s your point of pain? Hidden linen charges? Inventory shortages? Not with Morgan. Our single-source capabilities and responsive support team streamline cleaning and rental to reduce costs and improve productivity.
US consumers associate cloth tablesettings with:

Better Service

Better Food Quality

Better Appearance and Ambiance

Environmentally Friendly Practices

Morgan is the first coast-to-coast linen and uniform laundry operation that TRSA (Textile Rental Services Assoc.) has certified to its Clean Green international standard.
Morgan Hospitality is the best linen company I have used in 25+ years.
Grant P. Sodexo